Dementia Support - Caring for You at The Bridge Group Practice

The Bridge Group Practice

Orchard Health Centre
210 Orchard Road

Elliottt Chappell Health Centre
215, Hessle Road
01482 30384001482 303840

Answer: This is the answer.

Venn PCN logo

Dementia Aware

We are a dementia-friendly practice. This means:

  • We have assessed our environment to ensure it is accessible and easy to navigate around as possible for all our patients - including those with a diagnosis of dementia.
  • Our staff are trained to be sensitive to the needs of all patients.
  • we are able to make logical adjustments to assist with patient care, whenever possible.
  • we consider the needs of all patients when introducing changes

Dementia Awareness
More information about dementia

  • dementia doesn't have to stop sufferers doing the things they love.
  • Life doesn't end with a dementia diagnosis
  • dementia can be scary - but there is plenty of help Patients and families do not have to face it alone.

>> dementia support line 
      ALZHEIMER'S SOCIETY  Ring 0333 150 3456
>> FURTHER INFOrmation>> venn memory portal